IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 31 Number 4, October-December 2009
This issue is focused on the products, companies, and people who designed, programmed, and sold mainframe DBMS software products beginning in the 1960s and 1970s. It includes eight articles by industry pioneers recording the history of significant database management software products as well as two articles by prominent computer historians (Tim Bergin and Thomas Haigh) which provide historical context and interpretation of the events described by the industry pioneers. Guest editors were Burton Grad and Thomas J. Bergin.
The articles and the authors of each are listed below. Click on the name of the author(s) to see an abstract of the article on the IEEE website.
Burton Grad and Thomas J. Bergin, Guest Editors’ Introduction: History of Database Management Systems
Thomas Haigh, How Data Got its Base: Information Storage Software in the 1950s and 1960s.
Thomas J. Bergin and Thomas Haigh, The Commercialization of Database Management Systems, 1969-1983
Charles W. Bachman, The Origin of the Integrated Data Store (IDS): The First Direct-Access DBMS
Thomas M. (Tom) Nies, Cincom Systems’ Total
Robert L. Patrick, IMS @ Conception
William C. McGee, The Information Management System (IMS) Program Product
Robert L. Brueck, System 2000: The MRI Systems Corporation
Orrin Stevens, Jr., The History of Datacom/DB