PC Software: Word Processing for Everyone

IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 28 Number 4, October-December 2006
This issue is focused on the products, companies, and people who produced the early word processing software products.  It includes articles by industry pioneers recording the how these products were developed and marketed as well as articles by computer historians Thomas J. (Tim) Bergin and Thomas Haigh which provide historical context and interpretation of the events described by the industry pioneers.   Guest editors were Burton Grad and Paul E. Ceruzzi.


The articles and the authors of each are listed below.  Click on the name of the author(s) to see an abstract of the article on the IEEE website.
Paul E. Ceruzzi and Burton Grad, Guest Editors Intro: PC Software-Word Processing for Everyone.
Thomas Haigh, Remembering the Office of the Future:  The Origins of Word Processing and Office Automation.
Thomas J. (Tim) Bergin, The Origins of Word Processing Software for Personal Computers: 1976-1978.
Thomas J. (Tim) Bergin, The Proliferation and Consoliation of Word Processing Software: 1985-1995.
Seymour Rubinstein, The Rise and Fall of WordStar.
Ed Bride, The Media are the Message:  ‘The Influencers’.
Seymour Merrin, PC Software:  A Once-Irresistible Opportunity.
Amy Wohl, How We Process Words:  The Marketing of WP Software.

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